Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Indian Summer

We're enjoying some fantastic weather. I almost feel guilty rejoicing, since I heard from Eddie and Martha. All of their friends have lost everything. Some people had as much as 14 feet of water wash through their homes. Eddie and Martha said the water by their home came as far as the curb and then receded. Jimmy Frank and Roberta made through fine. I don't even think they got broken windows. Everyone did lose electricity and have to throw away food, but that is minor when you think of life and home.
I had my physical yesterday and everything was a go for the surgery on my foot Friday at 11:00 a.m. I won't be able to do any walking at all for at least three days. No driving the car for three weeks or more. I have wonderful friends here who are going to take care of me. How blessed I am!
I here Maria had a birthday. I'm sure you enjoyed your trip to Seattle. The boys love to see their cousins and play with them. Soon they will have three to keep them entertained!
Love to all.

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